States Logistics Services COVID-19

Prevention & Response Documents

As a result of this current public health concern, we are taking precautionary steps to prioritize contingency planning and communication. With the safety of our employees and customer’s product an essential value of States Logistics Services, we are presently focused on prevention and response. We have compiled information and resources from several sources in the healthcare industry, and we are closely monitoring information coming from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Please click on any of the documents below to view the detailed measures we are taking in response to COVID-10.

Cleaning and Sanitation Guidelines
Prevention and Response Statement
Visitor Questionnaire
Visitor Notice
Continuity Plan Policy

Have a question? Email to HR – and a member of the Human Resource team will respond as soon as possible.

Additional Resources:
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
WHO (World Health Organization)
CDPH (California Department of Public Health)
AZDHS (Arizona Department of Health Services)